Local time: 17:44 COVID-19
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infomation about Covid-19 Uzbekistan

Updated information on entry requirements in Uzbekistan due to the pandemic COVID-19, as of 20.09.2021:

According to the current sanitary regulations all passengers entering Uzbekistan through airports, railway and checkpoints must submit the following:
1) Negative COVID-19 PCR test certificate (in English or Russian) made within the last 48 hours prior to flight or train registration.
The list of laboratories abroad, the results of which are recognized in Uzbekistan, can be found here: http://sanepid.uz/oz/docs/aqsh-hududidagi-tibbiyot-muassasalari-va-laboratoriyalar
If your country is not on the list, any laboratory can be used.
PCR test requirement is applicable to all passengers, including covid-19 vaccinated.  
2) Medical insurance that covers treatment of various diseases, including COVID-19. 
3) Before travelling, please, check if you need visa to visit Uzbekistan.

Upon departure, all travellers must submit a negative COVID-19 PCR test made within the last 72 hours. Our travel agency will provide assistance in visiting a certified laboratory for taking the test in any big city of Uzbekistan.